Leadership Potential Indicator™
We worked with and were certified by the world's top developmental psychologists.
We integrated their body of work into a cohesive framework for transforming individuals, teams, organizations, and perhaps society.
For the last seven years, we have led wide-scale leadership transformations in global companies, coaching hundreds of leaders who made significant impacts that were measured and documented in various case studies.
Developmental Lens
Potential is the capacity to cope effectively with complexity. This capacity grows through seven levels.
Unlike biological growth, our level of potential doesn’t grow naturally like our body. We have to be intentional about expanding our potential.
Most of us are stuck at the same level of potential for decades, maybe forever, unable to grow to the next level because some hidden tethers and anchors hold us to our existing potential.
Developing your potential is the most undervalued investment, with the highest return on investment in your life and the lives of your family, team, and organization members

Greater Wisdom
As we progress through the levels, the way we make sense of things shifts from simple to complex, static to dynamic, and black and white to many shades of grey and colors.
Each level progresses to higher effectiveness and capacity to face the challenges the world sets for us.
Leaders who have worked with us deepened their consciousness and increased their freedom of choice with greater wisdom, fulfillment, and meaning.

Higher Effectiveness
The more evolved our potential is, the more effective we are in greater complexity. Leaders with a more developed potential deal better with uncertainty and can adapt their behavior in real-time to rapidly changing circumstances.
The higher the complexity, the higher the need for expanded potential. Existing potential might be enough in a simple context. As complexity grows, so does the need for a more effective potential.

Our Transformation Framework
Numerous studies reveal that 70-90% of all personal, team, and organizational transformations fail.
Change is difficult—some say impossible. Most difficult is changing behaviors because they are rooted in unproven fears, which create strongly held assumptions that drive hard-wired safeguards that limit our inherent beliefs.
It’s like a chain reaction that conspires to hold back individuals, teams, and team-of-teams from accomplishing their desired changes.

Five Transformation Steps
Transformations between one potential level to the next for individuals, teams, and organizations are very different from level to level. However, we identified five transformation steps:
Decide on the One Big Shift
Transformations between one potential level to the next for individuals, teams, and organizations are very different from level to level. However, we identified five transformation steps:
Identify the Counter Behaviors
What we are doing and not doing that works against our one big shift.
Connect to the Fears that Drive Counter Behaviors
What is worrying, scary, or stressful about counter behaviors
Construct Restraining Assumptions
“If…then” narratives that drive our fears.
Release Confining Safeguards
Subconscious protector of our identity and self-worth.
Pair Beliefs with Interdependent Beliefs
Shifting our capacity from seeing single beliefs and values to seeing interdependent pairs of beliefs and values, we call polarities.
Our Theoretical Foundations
Our work is based on the groundbreaking work of world-renowned scientists who we worked with and certified by to use their models:
Robert Kegan and Lisa Lahey are former Harvard professors and founders of Minds at Work who set the foundation for adult development, immunity to change, and subject-object interview.
Willam Torbert, Boston College professor and co-founder of Global Leadership Associates who developed the Global Leadership Profile.
Susanne Cook-Greuter is an independent scholar, an authority on adult development, the creator of the MAP instrument and its assessment methodology, and the co-founder of the Vertical Development Academy.
Barry Johnson’s Polarity Management models, tools, and assessments to identifying and managing unsolvable problems
Bob Anerson and Bill Adams’ Leadership Circle Profile (LCP), a 360 assessment based on Robert Kegan's adult development theory and research based on the LCP was published in two books - Mastering Leadership and Scaling Leadership.
Jennifer Garvey Berger’s Growth Edge interviews that evolved from Kegan and Lahey Subject-Object Interviews.
Dave Snowden’s Cynefin Model that help analyze and cope with complexity.